In the Event of Bad Weather

Procedure for Snow and Extreme Weather

If you do wake up to heavy snow, please do not telephone the school in the morning to ask if we are open, as we will not be able to answer calls from every family. The Senior Leadership Team will liaise and make a decision about whether we are able to open the school as early in the morning as possible. We will do our very best to keep school open unless it is unsafe to do so.


Assume that school is open. If we have to take the decision to close, we will communicate this to you through School Spider as early as possible.


We will also update information on the Devon County Council School Closures website.


You may find that, even if the school is open, the conditions where you live mean that it would not be advisable to try to head out to either school or work. You will need to make that decision in order to ensure you keep yourselves and your children safe. If that was the case in the morning and conditions change during the day, you may bring your child to school for the rest of the day at the point when you feel it is safe to do so.


If it is snowy, children may wear wellington boots or similar to school, but we ask that they bring their shoes in a bag so as to stay comfortable during the day. We also ask that they refrain from throwing snowballs at each other, again to ensure that everyone stays dry and comfortable during the day.


Where severe weather occurs during the school day, parents will be contacted directly by the school via School Spider. In this rare instance it may be necessary for parents to collect their children. If you have severe snow conditions at your home, and you are concerned about collecting your child, please contact the school to arrange picking them up.


If school needs to be closed for more than one day, remote learning will be available from the second day, on the google drive where you access home learning.


Hazeldown Primary School
Maudlin Drive, Teignmouth,
Devon, TQ14 8SE
Stuart Ludford | Headteacher

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